Saturday, July 14, 2012

McMinnville Groupons for Guests

I have talked to several of our guests and since the wedding is essentially a local destination wedding for most, many couples/families are making it a little weekend get-away. I came across a couple groupons from the area that I thought I would share with everyone, just in case one of these wine tastings are of interest. I'll keep a look out for any other groupons from this area to take advantage of.

Embrace Oregon Tours—McMinnville
Four hour wine tour for one or two (up to 55% off)

Sample wines from three vineyards, feast on gourmet snacks, and learn about the region's viticultural history.

Amity Vineyards—Dayton-Amity
Wine tasting for two or four with logo glasses and $15 store credit for wine purchase (up to 55% off)

Well-established winery crafts crisp, food-friendly whites and approachable pinot noirs with estate-grown grapes.

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